For leaders

in student and academic administration

Promoting excellence, community and leadership in student experience and academic services


Learn about all the benefits of HoSA Membership to help you advance your career, collaborate with your peers, and empower your voice in the sector. Membership is free to eligible applicants.

HoSA conference

Our annual HoSA conference brings together the best minds in university student administration from Australia and New Zealand.


Find out about the latest in student administration, including our advocacy efforts.

Russell Hillbrich Scholarships

Applications are now open for five Russell Hillbrich Scholarships to support members and their staff to attend the HoSA conference in Melbourne (28-30 August 2024).

HoSA Conference 2024

HoSA hosts an annual conference for its members and administration professionals and stakeholders. We offer scholarships for people to attend, and an award for best presenter.

Why not become a member? It's free

Over 150 of our members benefit from resources, our advocacy and networking opportunities.